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The Stats page displays various stats, including common stats, total amount of resources collected, enemies defeat count, and a Damage Type explanation. Additionally, you can see what your Offline Rewards will be in specific times. (see more below)

Show Offline Rewards

You can see what your offline rewards will look like in a minute, an hour, 24 hours (a day), 72 hours (3 days)

  • Gem.pngGems shop upgrades Offline Profits +750% and Max Offline Time both affect total offline gains. Offline Crunches/MLC's can be increased through various methods, and Offline Ancient Leaves is required to earn Ancient Leaf.pngAncient Leaves offline.
  • Piling is an effective method used to increase offline rewards for most leaves. When paired with the Gravity Ball.png Gravity Ball and the Wind Artifact.png Wind artifacts this task can be made simpler and at times even more effective.
  • Offline Rewards also benefit greatly in Offline Areas (a timer at the top of the screen will notify you if the area is an offline area). It also provides increases to various mechanics not listed anywhere within offline rewards (Converters.png Converters, Battle Die 64x64.png Dice Battlefield Rolls, Death Book.png Death Book and the Soul Forge.png Soul Forge. See more on each mechanic's respective page).


Listed below is the Stats tab. These stats all change based on your progress throughout the game. Some stats have a cap, and there others that are uncapped. Both can be improved through the help of Card Background Default.png Cards, Dice.png Dice, Borbiana Jones.png Borbventures, and more. The capped values will be marked in bold. The theoretical cap on everything is 1e308 (due to the game using a double variable), such as damage, but those numbers will not be included below.

Leaves Leaves spawned each interval: 730 | Leaf spawn interval: 2.50 seconds | Time played:
Damage Blowing Damage: | Slap Damage: | Blowing Power: | ALB Blowing Power: | ALB Damage: | Quark Damage:
HP Player HP: | HP reg/second: | Absolute damage resistance: 175b (1.75e11) | Relative damage resistance: 80% | Area resistance: 20k (2e4) | Heat resistance: 429.50%
Curses Curses: | Curses/s:
Crafted Leaves Crafted Leaves: | Craft Max Chance:

Quark: | Soul: | Coal: | Plasma: | Hematite: | Malachite: | Biotite: | Sacred: | Ancient: | Sand: | Moonstone: | Benitoite: | Silicon: | Obsidian: | Ice: | Lava: | Mythical: | Celestial: | Exotic: | Void: | Cosmic: | Bismuth: | Platinum: | Gold: | Basic:

Trading Trades: | Trade Global Multiplier: | Min/Max Trades Levels: 51/101 | Gems traded today: | Reduced Gems trade cap: 16.5k (1.65e4)
Leaf Tower Leaf Tower | Skip tower floor chance: | Floors skipped:
Pub Borb Claw Machine | Won: | Played: | Win%:
Brewing Brews: | Crits: | Brew multiplier: | Crit chance: 50000% | Multi Crit chance: 49900%
Converters Converted Loops: | Converted Crits: | Crit chance: 60% | Delay 0.13s
Printers Printers printed/second:
Relics Relics drop chance: 23.70%
Cards Cards drop chance: | Boss Cards drop chance: | Card Parts drop chance:
Dice Dice drop chance: 7.43%
Pets Pets pet: | Borbs slapped:

Blowing Power, ALB Blowing Power, Craft Max Chance, have caps that are boosted by battlefield enemies, the current cap is currently unknown. Printer Printed/second can be boosted with the printer die and has a more rigorous capped value that is currently unknown with all 6 rarities having max rolls.


This tab of stats previews all Leaves, Resources and various collectables collected throughout all stages of the game.

  • Most resources preview the total amount collected throughout your journey.
  • Prestige Type rewards Prestige coin.pngBLC Coin 32x32.pngBLC Coin.png display the stats of: Total earned, Highest collected in 1 Crunch/Prestige, Fastest Time Prestiging/Crunching back-to-back and Total gained offline per minute.
  • Leaves display the stats of: Total earned, single reward per leaf, seed value and the max value gained per second.
    • Azurite Leaf.png Azurite / Niobium Leaf.png Niobium and Galaxy leaves do not have seeds/nor does the value of each leaf decrease with Combo.
  • Number of Fruit.png Fruits and Leaf Seeds.pngSeeds collected are also previewed, although only the total amount collected is represented.
  • Electrical energy Leaf.pngElectrical Energy's max storage is previewed.
  • Flowers/Butterflies have their total amount collected displayed, as well as the spawn chances for each flower/butterfly.

Materials currently do not have their stats listed.


The Enemies section of the stats tab displays all enemies, Tower bosses, and bosses found throughout the game. (Battlefield enemies are not included.)

Every enemy displays the: Name | Damage Type | Total amount defeated | Blower Damage | Slap Damage | Spawn Locations.

  • Slap damage is 10% less here towards boss enemies compared to the general section.
  • Boss kills here are affected by Death Book.pngDeath Book kills.

Damage Types

VS Ancient Cosmic Cursed Exotic Gold Ice Lava Platinum Regular
Ancient Strong Strong Weak Strong Strong Strong Strong Strong -
Cosmic - - - Strong Strong Weak Strong Weak -
Cursed - - Strong - - - - - -
Exotic - Weak - - Weak Strong Weak Strong -
Gold - Strong - Strong - Strong Weak Weak -
Ice - Strong - Strong Weak - Strong Weak -
Lava - Strong - Weak Weak Strong - Weak -
Platinum - Strong - Weak Weak Strong Weak - -
Regular Weak Weak - Weak Weak Weak Weak Weak -

Ancient, Cursed, Regular damage types cannot currently be crafted. See more here.


  • Before update 2.21.0, existed a secret tab that could only be accessed by moving tabs with Ctrl + Tab/Ctrl + Shift + Tab. The tab listed all sources of damage and oddly even hinted at damage from sources that had never even provided a bonus.