The Cheese Pub

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A famous tavern located in Leafsink Harbour.

Access to The Cheese Pub costs 500 Borbs. More can be obtained from the Borb Claw Machine.

You gain Offline Rewards while in The Cheese Pub and it contains no leaves.

It has multiple arcade machines, as well a bartender behind a counter. It has a pub theme, with an abandoned game of cards on a table, a shelf with a "JerrolKay" Community Leaf, a piece of Cheese, an Orb of BLC, a bottle of Beer, and one Borb.

The Machines

The Borb Claw Machine

  • Costs 3x Cheese.png per attempt.
  • When clicked, The Borb Claw Machine brings up a menu with a pit of borbs, and multiple prizes. The borbs are cosmetic.
  • The size of the claw and number of items in the box can be upgraded in the Mulch shop.
  • The prizes include: Chests, Borbs (x100), Cheese (x20), Leaves, Curses (x1)(Curse amount can be upgraded in the mulch shop)
  • The prizes have a white outline.

The Slots

  • Costs 3x Cheese.png per spin.
  • The slots are a casino style slot machine, with three randomized slots.
  • If all three slots are filled with the same category, a prize from that category is given.
  • You can get a pity win every x rolls from the Mulch shop, starting at fifty and deceasing one per level.
  • Guaranteed to drop the Zoo Necklace Artifact after 50 spins.

Curse Machine

  • Free to use.
  • Plays like a golf mini-game:
    • Press Space Bar (or hold left click) to move in the direction of the pointer.
    • Hold space/click to control your launch strength.
    • Navigate to the beer, avoiding obstacles.
  • Completing each level unlocks a new achievement, which reward 3 Gems each.

Leaf Counter

  • Free to use.
  • Every 10 counts increases leaf blower damage by 0.1%, every 100 by 0.5%, every 1000 by 1%, and every 10,000 by 5%.
  • Each increase is included, so by the time you reach 100 counts you will be at 1.5% increase because you will have gained the 0.1% increase 10 times as well as the 0.5% increase.
  • The Mulch shop upgrade Leaf Counter Macro automatically presses this button for you, from 1 to 5 times p/min.

The Bartender

  • The bartender is the same as your default character, but is green, instead of blue.
  • When clicked he says, "Welcome to the Cheese Pub. We only serve beer and cheddar here." and offers you three options.


  • The bartender will say a random line from a set of possible sentences.
  • Most of these are memes from the LBR community, like mentioning the apparently pretty Discord mod and game enthusiast Farah, and how she should be folded, or cheese jokes, like a cheese factory in France exploding and leaving nothing but de brie.


  • The bartender will give a list of quests, where you must bring him Materials in exchange for either Beer or Cheddar.
  • This one of the few viable ways to get a large amount of beer.


Riddles are unlocked by performing a Mega Leaf Crunch.

# Riddle Solution Reward
1 There is this riddle I have been trying to solve my whole life long.

The riddle says: 11!!

I have already tried to fold it but to no avail...

10395 10 gems.

The Crystal Leaf Lore can now be read.

2 I am full of holes: I can hold water. What am I? sponge 10 gems.
3 Which word in the dictionary is always spelled incorrectly? incorrectly 10 gems.
4 Where do you first find Cosmic Leaves? space 10 gems.
5 I am an odd number.

Take away a letter and I become even.

What number am I?

7 10 gems.
6 You measure my life in hours, and I serve you by expiring.

I'm quick when I'm thin and slow when I'm fat.

The wind is my enemy.

candle 10 gems.
7 I'm stuck in a corner but I can travel all around the world, what am I? stamp 10 gems.
8 Some leaves like it hot, some like it cold.

Which one likes both?

obsidian 10 gems.
9 What has to be broken before you can use it? egg 10 gems.
10 What goes up but never comes down? age 10 gems.
11 I have branches, but no fruit, trunk or leaves. What am I? bank 10 gems.
12 What can't talk but will reply when spoken to? echo 10 gems.
13 What building has the most stories? library 10 gems.
14 If you throw a blue stone into the Red Sea, what will it become? wet 10 gems.
15 What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs? clock 10 gems.
16 What can fill a room but takes up no space? light 10 gems.