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Piling is a method which maximizes offline leaf gain. It's the most efficient way of obtaining leaves. This is only efficient for Sacred Nebula+ leaves.

What's Piling

We want to pile all leaves, and then blow them all at once. This is because offline gains are based off of the most leaves blown in 1 second.

How to Pile

Monkeyo and Butterflyo are advised for this, as well as an Ancient+ leaf set with Sharded Nuclear Blow Power.

  1. Turn off Move Player and ALBs in the Gameplay settings.
  2. Equip either The High Tech Bellows or Ace of Spades, and reduce blow power to 2-3%.
  3. Use Gravity Ball.png Gravity Balls to pile leaves to the center of the screen. When the Gravity Ball.png Gravity Ball ends, use it again as soon as possible so the leaves you don't want piled get blown off. Keep doing this until no more leaves are spawning and you only have the leaf you want on-screen.
  4. When only the leaf you want is on screen, enable Move Character and move your character to the far right of the screen. Your next goal is to slowly blow the scattered leaves into a pile after the Gravity Ball.png Gravity Ball ends and move them over to the far left edge of the screen but do not blow them off just yet.
  5. When not close enough to move the leaf pile open the BLC shop and bring your blow power back to 100%. While in control of your character, active the Wind Artifact.png Wind artifact and push your pile off the screen. (credit to Jerrol)