Green Flame

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Green Flame is the first boss in Fire Fields, introduced in v2.18.0. It is located in the Flame Blazier. Green Flame is one of the few bosses who aren't affected by Blower Enemy Damage and Slapping Damage.


Green Flame can be damaged by leaves. It can also be damaged by a trout and ALB contact damage, but they deal an insanely low damage compared to leaves. Activating both Wind Artifact.png Wind and Gravity Ball.png Gravity Ball is recommended. Green Flame's Health increases with every kill, following this formula: 3e4+(TotalKills*1.5e4).

Green Flame's Health increases can be completely reset; either by talking to Borbiana Jones, located in The Shadow Cavern, and paying 1000 (1e3)Borb Token 64x64.pngBorb Tokens, or by defeating Spectralseeker.

Currently, Green Flame is the only boss who does not regenerate health when exiting the area or being blown away. This is only the case after purchasing the Boss Anti-Regeneration upgrade from the Coal Leaf.png Coal Shop. Due to this, Green Flame is very easy to defeat, even at low Heat Resistance.

Defeating Green Flame for the first time unlocks the Craft Sacred Leaves upgrade as well as The Fire Universe.


You can increase the damage towards Green Flame through the Green Flame Vulnerability upgrade in the Coal Leaf.png Coal Shop. Each upgrade provides +50% damage towards Green Flame. The cost of the upgrade increases with every purchase: 500000*1.75n,n being the number of times you've already purchased the upgrade.

You should defeat Green Flame as soon you can for the Craft Sacred Leaves upgrade, since it makes crafting Coal Leaf.png Coal leaves a whole lot quicker.

As of Update v.2.21.1, you can AFK Green Flame through Autofacts and all the Faster Autofacts upgrades in the MLC, Sand, and Ancient Shops. With autouse of Wind, Vital Violin (optional, but makes AFKing faster), and Gravity Ball enabled, you can AFK this boss until you cannot deal enough damage to defeat it before getting blown away.
