Leaf Seeds

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Leaf Seeds are unlocked after buying the Farming Certificate for Exotic Leaf.png 5,000. You are then presented with a new menu where you can purchase seeds.

Purchasing the first seed upgrade will make them start spawning in any location. They can be picked up manually, or later on picked up by ALB.png ALBs with the "ALBs <3 Seeds" upgrade in the Celestial Leaf.png Celestial Shop. Further seed upgrades will increase the reward amount from seeds, from 1% up to 100%.


Chance & Count

Seeds have a 1% chance to spawn every second. This can be increased with spawn chance upgrades (see Related Upgrades below). With no upgrades, they'll spawn from around 10 seconds to 3.5 minutes.

Multiple seeds can spawn at once. How many depends on your seed count upgrades.

Because seed spawn chance and count start at very low numbers, any upgrades to them can provide significant gains (eg. increasing your spawn chance by just +1% will double the chance for them to spawn).

Up to 50 seeds can be spawned on the screen at once.


Seeds will spawn based on the amount of fertilizer you have for [x] leaf type. This is taken from the fertilizer upgrade from every shop except Celestial Leaf.png Celestial, Obsidian Leaf.png Obsidian, and Benitoite Leaf.png Benitoite. These shops have no normal fertilizer upgrade, because the leaves do not spawn on their own. As a result, these seeds will spawn at a much lower rate than all others if all fertilizers are purchased. However, Celestial seeds have a specialized "Seed Marketing" upgrade, that replaces a leaf fertilizer upgrade.


Ancient Leaf.png Ancient seeds, Emerald Leaf.png Gem Leaf seeds, and Meeds (Mulch.png Mulch seeds) all need to be unlocked in the Sacred Leaf.png Sacred Shop for Sacred Leaf.png 50m each before they can be purchased in the Farming Shop. There are currently no seeds for Biotite Leaf.png Biotite, Malachite Leaf.png Malachite, Hematite Leaf.png Hematite, Plasma Leaf.png Plasma, Coal Leaf.png Coal and Soul Leaf 32x32.png Soul leaves.


When you pick up a seed, you are given (Seed upgrade level)% of your current leaf total in leaves, with additional seed reward upgrades added afterwards.


  • If you have level 1 Seeds and 1,000 leaves, picking up a seed will give you 10 leaves (1% of 1,000).
  • If you have level 100 Seeds and 1,000 leaves, picking up a seed will give you 1,000 leaves (100% of 1,000).

Therefore, it's a good idea to only buy a seed upgrade if it won't drastically lower that leaf's current total. A good rule of thumb is to only spend up to ~50% of your total leaves on a seed upgrade.

The optimal time to buy seed level n is when you have (n+1) times as many leaves as the upgrade costs. For example:

  • If you don't have any seeds for a leaf, buy the first seed upgrade as soon as possible
  • If you have level 1 Seeds, only spend 50% of your leaves
  • If you have level 2 Seeds, only spend 1/3 of your leaves
  • If you have level 9 Seeds, only spend 10% of your leaves
  • If you have level 99 Seeds, only spend 1% of your leaves

If you spend more than this, it will initially reduce the gain more than it increases it. However, if you know you will be afk instead of buying the seeds at the exact optimal time, it can be worth buying slightly earlier than what this rule says, since more seeds is always better in the long run.


Farming Shop seed costs
Leaf Cost[1] Notes
Basic Leaf.png Basic 1t (1e9) * 1.5ⁿ
Gold Leaf.png Gold 8t (8e9) * 1.5ⁿ
Platinum Leaf.png Platinum 27t (2.7e10) * 1.5ⁿ
Bismuth Leaf.png Bismuth 64t (6.4e10) * 1.5ⁿ
Cosmic Leaf.png Cosmic 125t (1.25e11) * 1.5ⁿ
Void Leaf.png Void 216t (2.16e11) * 1.5ⁿ
Exotic Leaf.png Exotic 1a (1.73e12) * 1.5ⁿ
Celestial Leaf.png Celestial 2a (2.2e12) * 1.5ⁿ Difficult to save up for.

Trader's Suitcase.png Trading with a high TGM can help.

Mythical Leaf.png Mythical 2a (2.74e12) * 1.5ⁿ
Lava Leaf.png Lava 3a (3.38e12) * 1.5ⁿ
Ice Leaf.png Ice 4a (4.1e12) * 1.5ⁿ
Obsidian Leaf.png Obsidian 4a (4.91e12) * 1.5ⁿ No fertilizer upgrades, so spawn rates are very low.
Silicon Leaf.png Silicon 5a (5.83e12) * 1.5ⁿ
Benitoite Leaf.png Benitoite 6a (6.86e12) * 1.5ⁿ No fertilizer upgrades, so spawn rates are very low.
Moonstone Leaf.png Moonstone 8a (8e12) * 1.5ⁿ
Sand Leaf.png Sand 9a (9.26e12) * 1.5ⁿ To buy 100 Sand seeds costs 7.32D (7.3e30)

(or 3.66D with maxed Portal.png Prestige discount).

Ancient Leaf.png Ancient 10a (1.06e13) * 8ⁿ Unlocked in the Sacred Leaf.png Sacred Shop.

No fertilizer upgrades, so spawn rates are very low.

Gem leaf seeds are Incredibly expensive, compared to other seeds.

Amber Leaf.png Amber 80A (8e16) * 4ⁿ
Amethyst Leaf.png Amethyst 80A (8e16) * 4ⁿ
Emerald Leaf.png Emerald 80A (8e16) * 4ⁿ
Kyanite Leaf.png Kyanite 80A (8e16) * 4ⁿ
Rhodonite Leaf.png Rhodonite 80A (8e16) * 4ⁿ
Ruby Leaf.png Ruby 80A (8e16) * 4ⁿ
Tektite Leaf.png Tektite 80A (8e16) * 4ⁿ
Mulch.png Meeds 15a (1.56e13) * 1.5ⁿ Seeds for Mulch.

Unlocked in the Sacred Leaf.png Sacred Shop.

No fertilizer upgrades, so spawn rates are very low.

  1. Cost: Before discounts are applied. For upgrades with multiple levels, n is the number of upgrades currently owned.


Seeds are extremely important for reaching amounts of leaves beyond billions. At first, this allows you to buy all the BLC upgrades in the Exotic Leaf.png Exotic Shop. Later, this allows for reaching the higher level upgrades in the Celestial Leaf.png Celestial Shop and beyond.

Related Upgrades


Name Effect Notes
Seed Scroll.png Seed Scroll Seed spawn chance +5% Extend duration by crafting Scrolls duration: +X% (crafting level 4+, Lava+)
Vulture.png Vulture Card Seed rewards +% From +0.05% (Common) to +2.88% (Legendary), per card

Pets & Unique Leaves

Note that listed bonuses are doubled at level 10.

Name Effect Notes
Raccoono.png Raccoono Seed spawn chance +1%.

Seed spawn count +1.

Seems small but doubles the base spawn chance.

Effects are doubled at level 10.

Rainbow Leaf.png Rainbow Leaf Seed rewards +50% Makes reward at level 1 seeds 51%, not 1.5%

Effects are doubled at level 10.

Shop Upgrades

Also note that all leaf fertilizer upgrades also affect seeds, as per above.

Shop Name Max Effect (per level) Notes
Prestige coin.png Prestige Upgrade Discount 50 Prices -1% for all leaf upgrades. Affects seed purchases.

At max level (50), makes seeds half their base cost.

Exotic Leaf.png Exotic Farming Certificate - Unlocks Farming Required to spawn seeds and buy seed upgrades.
Mulch.png Mulch Mulched Composter 100 Max seed count +1 The Mulch shop is unlocked via the BLC shop.
Mulch.png Mulch Mulched Seeds 50 Seed rewards +10%.

Must maximize all seeds to level 100 (up to Sand) to buy.

Resets your seed count to 0 when bought.

Always resets to zero, even with Crunchy Seeds Lite.

Maxed out includes your Mulched Composter Level. You may want to max this before buying Mulched Composter.

MLC coin.png MLC Farming Upgrade Bot - Enables auto-buyer for seeds Useful when you eventually want to level up Mulched Seeds to buy back all seeds to level 100 after each upgrade. Disable while farming seeds, otherwise it spends too many leaves for level ups, reducing the effectiveness of actually collecting seeds afterwards.
MLC coin.png MLC Offline Seeds Inf +1 random seed, per offline minute Great for faming rare seeds (Celestial Leaf.png, Obsidian Leaf.png, Benitoite Leaf.png),

because they have an equal chance to be picked.

MLC coin.png MLC Crunchy Seeds Lite - 1 seed per leaf type will persist after an Portal Mega Leaf Crunch.png MLC Seeds are wiped after an Portal Mega Leaf Crunch.png MLC by default.

This lessens the impact of that.

Highly recommended.

Emerald Leaf.png Emerald Offline Seeds Inf +1 random seed, per offline minute See MLC's "Offline Seeds" above.
Sacred Leaf.png Sacred Unlock *** Seeds ~ Unlock *** seeds Makes certain seeds available to buy:

Ancient, Meeds (mulch seeds), and gem leaf.

See the Shop table (above) for details.

Gem.png Gems More Seeds - Seed spawn chance +3% 1 level.
Gem.png Gems Offline Seeds 10 +1 random seed, per offline minute Helpful when you have gems to spare.

Seed Zones

Note that even in areas that don't naturally spawn seeds, seeds can still be spawned through the Strange Seed Bag artifact or a Shovel, as long as it isn't an offline area.

Zone Seeds spawn there
Home Garden yes
Neighbors' Garden yes
Mountain yes
Space yes
The Abyss yes
The Celestial Plane yes
The Mythical Garden yes
The Volcano yes
The Abandoned Research Station yes
The Hidden Sea yes
Leafsink Harbor yes
The Leaf Tower no
The Moon yes
The Infernal Desert yes
The Cursed Pyramid no
The Inner Cursed Pyramid no
Kokkaupunki no
Cursed Kokkaupunki no
The Dark Glade no
Black Leaf Hole no
The Cheese Pub no
Your House no
Biotite Forest yes
The Exalted Bridge no
The Ancient Sanctum yes
Vilewood Cemetery no
The Lone Tree no
Spark Range yes
Spark Bubble no