Cursed Kokkaupunki

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"The lovely town of Kokkaupunki has been cursed. The curse must be lifted..."

Giant Boss, lots live, much pain. An evil Witcho.png Witch menaces Cursed Kokkaupunki.

The area requires Cosmic Essence.png 200 and Leaf Essence.png 200 to unlock, making it rather pricey. However, there is no reason to come here until you have a substantial amount of Damage, plenty of time to gather the necessary Materials for essence.

Unlike peaceful Kokkaupunki, the area has leaves (Basic Leaf.pngVoid Leaf.pngExotic Leaf.pngLava Leaf.pngIce Leaf.pngSilicon Leaf.pngMoonstone Leaf.pngSand Leaf.png) and does not give Offline Rewards. Seeds do not spawn naturally here.