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Boost your stats with Cards! Cards can be obtained by defeating Enemies. They were added in v2.14.0.


Cards are available after buying Unlock Cards from the MLC coin.png MLC Coin shop.

Defeating an enemy has a chance to drop a card of their own type, in one of 6 possible rarities, from Common to Legendary.

Every collected card provides a bonus. Higher rarities give more and stronger bonuses. Many cards also provide unique bonuses exclusive to certain basic enemies and certain bosses.

Up to 10 cards can be collected per enemy per rarity (eg. 10 "Common Bee" + 10 "Uncommon Bee", etc), this can be increased with the 'Max Cards' upgrade in the Transcended Card Part shop.

All enemies icons in the cards UI
Red ALB.png Angry Leaf.png Bat.png Bee.png Bird.png Bug.png Carrot.png Crab.png Elk.png Frog.png Hare.png Hyena.png
Ice Leaf Enemy.png Scorpion.png Snowman.png Skull.png Vulture.png Frog.png Tower Bat.png Tower Hare.png Crab.png Scorpion.png Snowman.png Tower Brain.png
Bird.png Carrot.png Skull.png Tower Stone.png Tower Factory.png Tower Fire.png Tower Ghast.png Tower Head.png Tower Hulk.png Tower Klackon.png Tower Lurker.png Tower Mask.png
Tower Bad Skull.png Soul Monolith.png Soul Mummy.png Soul Puddle.png Quark Stone.png Tower Frog Tower Frog Tower Frog Tower Frog Tower Frog Tower Frog Tower Frog
Tower Frog Tower Frog Tower Bob.png Tower Boss Stone Golem.png Tower Boss Factory.png Tower Boss Fire.png Tower Boss Ghast.png Tower Boss Head.png Tower Boss Hulk.png Tower Boss Klackon.png Tower Boss Lurker.png Tower Boss Mask.png
Bob 2.png Bob 3.png Bob 4.png Bob 5.png Witch Centaur Batman Air Elemental Spark Bubble Terror.png Terror.png Terror.png
Terror.png Super Terror.png Energy Guard.png Green Flame.png Spectralseeker.png Soul mirage.png Atomic Arbiter.png Cosmic Dragon.png Quantum Artificer.png

Card Part.png Card Parts

Card Parts are unlocked when Cards are first unlocked. They can be collected by defeating any enemy, having a 1.5% chance to drop a card part, it also possible to have defeated enemy drop a card part if a card that you have max cards of were to spawn. 25 Card Parts can be brewed using Dark Essence, Transformation Shards and Fusion Shards. They can also be obtain by salvaging cards.

These parts are used to buy Card Packs and Ascend cards.

Card Packs

Basic Cards may also be obtained through card packs purchases with Card Part.png Card Parts or Gem.png Gems. The Cards Pack in the Star2.png Supporter Shop also gives card packs as daily rewards.

If you already have the maximum of a card gained from a card pack, you'll instead be compensated with 1/10th the card part cost of the opened pack.

There are three card packs available for purchase:

Common Pack Rare Pack Legendary Pack
Cards in Pack 3 4 5
Odds Rare: 5%

Uncommon: 25%

Common: 100%

Mythical: 5%

Epic: 10%

Rare: 25%

Uncommon: 100%

Legendary: 5%

Mythical: 10%

Epic: 25%

Rare: 100%

Guaranteed 1x Uncommon 1x Epic 1x Mythical
Cost Card Part.png 600
Gem.png 1
Card Part.png 2 k
Gem.png 125
Card Part.png 6 k
Gem.png 1.75k

Opening Card Parks

You can open card parks in groups if you'd like and utilize the multipliers: 1x, 10x, 100x, 1kx, 10kx, 100kx, 1mx, 10mx, 100mx.

For opening all the cards, you'll receive a note about "Opening many card packs at once might lead to inaccuracies. Only the last pack type will be shown" If you use have auto transcend on, then none of the cards will be wasted unless you hit over 5.00e14 on a card.

Drop Rates

See the pages for Enemies and Bosses for their spawn locations.

It is possible to gain more than 1 card per defeated enemy if card drop rate is above 100%

Base Card Drop Rates:

Card Type Common: 100% Uncommon: 25% Rare: 5% Epic: 1% Mythical: 0.20% Legendary: 0.05%
Basic 0.18% 0.045% 0.009% 0.0018% 0.00036% 0.00009%
Boss 10.18% 2.545% 0.509% 0.1018% 0.02036% 0.00509%



Note: Besides 'additional enemy damage', bosses have greater general card bonus values than stated here. Tower boss bonuses are 5x, Witch is 10x, Centaur is 13.33x, Vile Creature is 20x, Air Elemental is 22.5x, Spark Bubble is 30x, The Terrors are 35x, Super Terror is 40x, Energy Guard is 45x, Green Flame is 50x, Spectralseeker is x55, Soul Mirage is x80 and Atomic Arbiter, Cosmic Dragon and Quantum Artificer are all x10.

Bonus Common Uncommon Rare Epic Mythical Legendary
Additional enemy damage 2.5%
Leaf value multiplier +3% +6.75% +15.188% +34.17% +76.89% +173%
Enemy resource drop multiplier - +4.5% +10.125% +22.78% +51.26% +115.33%
Blower enemy damage% - +1.012% +2.28% +5.13% +11.53%
Slap multiplier - +0.57% +1.28% +2.88%

Unique Bonuses: Basic Enemies

Certain enemy cards have unique bonuses.

i Card Bonus Common Uncommon Rare Epic Mythical Legendary Spawn Area
ALB ALB ALB Damage% 1% 2.25% 5.06% 11.39% 11.39% 25.63% Volcano
Angry Leaf Angry Leaf Resource Multiplier Celestial Leaves% 10% 22.5% 50.63% 113.91% 256.29% 576.65% Celestial Plane
Bat Bat Claw Curse Count+ 0.1 0.023 0.051 0.114 0.256 +0.577 Mountain,


Bee Bee BLC Coins% 2% 4.50% 10.13% 22.78% 51.26% 115.33% Neighbors Garden
Bird Bird More Tower Floors% 0.25% 0.56% 1.27% 2.85% 6.41% 14.42% Neighbors Garden
Bug Bug Claw Equipment Count+ 0.001 0.002 0.005 0.011 0.026 0.058 Neighbors Garden,


Carrot Carrot Curses/s% 0.10% 0.23% 0.51% 1.14% 2.56% 5.77% Mythical Garden
Crab Crab Gem Leaf Multiplier% 0.20% 0.45% 1.01% 2.28% 5.13% 11.53% Space
Elk Elk Offline Tower Floors+ 0.01 0.023 0.051 0.114 0.256 0.577 Mountain
Frog Frog Skip Tower Floor Chance Multiplier% 0.10% 0.23% 0.51% 1.14% 2.56% 5.77% Neighbors Garden
Hare Hare Offline Crunches+ 0.01 0.023 0.051 0.114 0.256 0.577 Mountain
Hyena Hyena Offline MLC+ 0.01 0.023 0.051 0.114 0.256 0.577 Mountain,


Ice Leaf Ice Leaf Trade Global Multiplier 0.3% 0.68% 1.52% 3.42% 7.69% 17.30% The Abandoned Research Station
Scorpion Scorpion Scroll Duration% 1% 2.25% 5.06% 11.39% 25.63% 57.67% Desert,


Snowman Snowman Brew Crit Chance% 0.05% 0.11% 0.25% 0.57% 1.28% 2.88% Mountain
Skull Skull Printer Output Multiplier% 5% 11.25% 25.31% 56.95% 128.14% 288.33% The Void,

The Abyss

Volture Vulture Seed Rewards% 0.05% 0.11% 0.25% 0.57% 1.28% 2.88% Space
Tower Frog Tower Frog Auto Pub Leaf Counter+ 0.001 0.002 0.005 0.011 0.026 0.058 Tower Floor.png Tower
Tower Bat Tower Bat Pub Leaf Counter Value+ 0.1 0.225 0.506 1.139 2.563 5.767 Tower Floor.png Tower
Soul Monolith.png Soul Monolith Soul Crypt Bonus Reward% 0.1 0.23 0.51 1.14 2.56 5.77 Soul Crypt
Soul Mummy.png Soul Mummy Soul Crypt Keys% 0.1 0.23 0.51 1.14 2.56 5.77 Soul Crypt
Soul Puddle.png Soul Puddle Soul Crypt Particles% 0.1 0.23 0.51 1.14 2.56 5.77 Soul Crypt
Quark Stone.png Quark Stone Quark Reactor Size 0.1% 0.225% 0.506% 1.139% 2.563% 5.767% Quantum Aether
Quarkling.png Quarkling Quark Blob Charge Multiplier% 0.1% 0.225% 0.506% 1.139% 2.563% 5.767% Leafton Pit

Unique Bonuses: Bosses

Boss Cards provide a one-time +0.1% Boss Card spawn chance per Quality not Quantity.

i Card Bonus Common Uncommon Rare Epic Mythical Legendary Spawn Area
Tower Bob Bob Bosses (1-5) MLC Coins% 5% 11.25% 25.31% 56.95% 128.14% 288.33% Tower Floor.png Tower
Witch Witch Witch Curses+ 0.5 1.125 2.531 5.695 12.814 28.833 Cursed Kokkaupunki
Witch Essence 1% 2.25% 5.06% 11.39% 25.63% 57.67%
Centaur Centaur Enemy Shards Multiplier% 37.50% 84.38% 189.84% 427.15% 961.08% 2162.44% The Exalted Bridge
Batman Batman Enemy Shards Multiplier% 50% 112.50% 253.13% 569.53% 1281.45% 2883.25% Vilewood Cemetary
Air Elemental Air Elemental Enemy Shards Multiplier% 62.50% 140.63% 316.41% 711.91% 1601.81% 3604.06% The Lone Tree
Spark Bubble Spark Bubble Enemy Shards Multiplier% 75% 168.75% 379.69% 854.30% 1922.17% 4324.88% Spark Bubble
Terror Terror Relic Damage Multiplier% 35% 78.75% 177.19% 398.67% 897.01% 2018.28% Planet Edges
Super Terrors Super Terror Relic Damage Multiplier% 40% 90.00% 202.50% 455.63% 1025.16% 2306.60% Black Planet Edge
Energy Guard Energy Guard Relic Damage Multiplier% 45.00% 101.25% 227.81% 512.58% 1153.30% 2594.93% Energy Singularity
Green Flame.png Green Flame Resource Multiplier Coal Leaves 0.50% 1.13% 2.53% 5.70% 12.81% 28.83% Flame Brazier
Spectralseeker.png Spectralseeker Borbventure Reward 5.5% 12.38% 27.84% 62.65% 140.96% 317.16% The Fire Universe
Soul mirage.png Soul Mirage Brew Multiplier 0.80% 1.80% 4.05% 9.11% 20.50% 46.13% The Hollow
Atomic Arbiter.png Atomic Arbiter Quark Damage 0.010% 0.023% 0.051% 0.114% 0.256% 0.577% Astral Oasis
Cosmic Dragon.png Cosmic Dragon Quark Reactor Increase Value 0.100% 0.225% 0.506% 1.139% 2.563% 5.767% Dimensional Tapestry
Quantum Artificer.png Quantum Artificer Boss Cards Drop Rarity 0.005% 0.011% 0.025% 0.057% 0.128% 0.288% Planck Scope


Cards can be salvaged into card parts.

Card Type Common Uncommon Rare Epic Mythical Legendary

Tower Boss

Card Part.png 10 Card Part.png 15 Card Part.png 25 Card Part.png 45 Card Part.png 85 Card Part.png 165
Non Tower Boss Card Part.png 15 Card Part.png 22 Card Part.png 37 Card Part.png 67 Card Part.png 127 Card Part.png 247


10 cards of the same enemy and rarity may be consumed to gain 1 card of the same enemy at the next-higher rarity. This process is known as Ascension. Ascension is disabled for a given card if there is not enough room in your deck to add the ascended card.

Ascending costs:

Rarity Common Uncommon Rare Epic Mythical Legendary
Cost Card Part.png 150 Card Part.png 250 Card Part.png 450 Card Part.png 850

Ascension Shard.png 1 Ascension shard

Card Part.png 1650

Ascension Shard.png 4 Ascension Shards



You can transcend cards of the same type and rarity and gain Transcended Card Part.png Transcension Card Parts. Transcending a card requires 10 initially and increases by 1 for the transcended card (eg. Transcending a common frog will increase the cost for the next common frog to 11). If a card has enough to transcend the button turns purple. These parts can be used in the Transcend Shop found in the Cards Menu. You can automate transcending via the Auto Transcend upgrade in the Coal Leaf.png Coal Shop.

There are two options given for mass transcension: "Transcend Regular" which refer to Basic Enemy and Tower Boss cards, and "Transcend Boss" which refer to Non-Tower Bosses or timer Bosses. Mass transcension will transcend all cards once that are capable of transcending and are not locked within that category and rarity, leaving extra cards if the amount of transcended cards is less than what is currently collected. Note: When mass transcending, a warning with "All regular cards will be reset to 0" will appear, this warning is incorrect.

Base Transcension Card Part gained per Transcension:

Card Type Common Uncommon Rare Epic Mythical Legendary
Regular Transcended Card Part.png 1 Transcended Card Part.png 2 Transcended Card Part.png 5 Transcended Card Part.png 10 Transcended Card Part.png 17 Transcended Card Part.png 26
Non Tower Boss Transcended Card Part.png 3 Transcended Card Part.png 6 Transcended Card Part.png 15 Transcended Card Part.png 30 Transcended Card Part.png 51 Transcended Card Part.png 78

Transcend Shop

Upgrade Base Cost Increase Per Level Description
Card.png Max Cards Transcended Card Part.png 6 1.5x Increases max cards count by 1.
Card.png Cards Detector Transcended Card Part.png 6 1.85x Increases enemy card drop chance by 2%.
Card.png Boss Cards Detector Transcended Card Part.png 6 1.85x Increases boss card drop chance by 5%.
Card Part.png Card Parts Detector Transcended Card Part.png 6 1.85x Increases card parts drop chance by 1%.
Transcended Card Part.png TCP++ Transcended Card Part.png 6 2.25x Increases Transcension Card Parts received by Transcending Cards by 1.

This results in an increases of Transcension Card Parts by +100% per level

Increasing Card Limit

For each 30 total transcensions of a given rarity, the card limit of every card of that rarity increases by 1. Furthermore, buying Max Cards upgrade in the Transcend Shop increases the card limit for every card by 1 per level.

Related Upgrades

Shop Upgrade Max Description
MLC coin.png MLC Coin Unlock Cards - Cards can be collected by defeating enemies and bosses.
Mulch.png Mulch
Sacred Leaf.png Sacred
Cards Detector 5 Increases enemy card drop chance by 0.02%.
Biotite Leaf.png Biotite
Malachite Leaf.png Malachite
Hematite Leaf.png Hematite
Cards Detector 5 Increases enemy card drop chance by 0.10%
Gem.png Gems Cards Detector 5 Increases enemy card drop chance by 0.50%
Mulch.png Mulch
Sacred Leaf.png Sacred
Card Parts Detector 5 Increases card parts drop chance by 0.05%.
Biotite Leaf.png Biotite
Malachite Leaf.png Malachite
Hematite Leaf.png Hematite
Boss Cards Detector 5 Increases boss card drop chance by 0.20%
Gem.png Gems Cards Magnet - Dropped Cards/Card Parts will automatically move towards you.


Gallery of card backgrounds sprites, showing their rarity by color.


There exists a minor visual glitch that shows random sprites of animation instead of regular sequence. It's most clearly seen in enemies like tower bad skull.