The Cursed Pyramid/The Inner Cursed Pyramid

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To enter The Cursed Pyramid you need MLC coin.png 50k (5e4) MLC Coins where you unlock floors to the Inner Pyramid.

In the Inner Pyramid, after 30 enemies are defeated, a boss appears who drops Ancient Leaf.png Ancient Leaves and has a chance to drop Chest Rare.png Chests.

Unlike The Leaf Tower, after defeating a floor in the Inner Pyramid, the next floor is not unlocked and requires more resources sacrificed at The Cursed Pyramid for more floors to be unlocked. It is also not required to defeat prior floors before entering a lower floor.

Remember to read through Progression/Pyramid for any other tips on how to get to floor -100.

Unlocking The Inner Cursed Pyramid


To open the door in The Cursed Pyramid, you must equip the Holy Grail and make a sacrifice.

A fast way to collect the required cheese and beer needed to unlock the pyramid and further floors is to complete quests at Area Flag.png The Cheese Pub by talking to the bartender. Here you can trade Materials in return for substantial rewards.

Mulch and other materials can be obtained in large quantities by Trader's Suitcase.png Trading. The amount of material earned per trade is greatly affected by the Crafting.png Crafting property Trade Global Multiplier.

Unlocking Floors


Each subsequent floor requires a greater sacrifice. The price to unlock any given floor of The Inner Cursed Pyramid is given by the following formulas:

As you go lower in the pyramid, it will no longer be viable to depend purely on The Cheese Pub. You will absolutely need to increase your trade global multiplier to obtain the higher numbers of resources necessary, and to increase your trade level to allow higher-level materials to access that multiplier. In particular, Beer requires a high trade level for any amount greater than 1 to be recieved in trade.

Example for first few floors of The Pyramid
Floor Mulch Ancient Leaf Cheese Beer
1 100,000 0 5,000 1,000
2 5,000 150 75 20
3 20,000 600 300 80
4 45,000 1,350 675 180
5 80,000 2,400 1,200 320
6 125,000 3,750 1,875 500

The total amount of resources needed to descend the Cursed Pyramid
Total Mulch Total Ancient Leaves Total Cheese Total Beer
The First 25 Floors 2.45x107 7.35x105 3.68x105 9.80x104
The First 50 Floors 2.02x108 6.06x106 3.03x106 8.09x105
The First 75 Floors 6.89x108 2.07x107 1.03x107 2.76x106
The First 100 Floors 1.64x109 4.93x107 2.46x107 6.57x106


On defeating pyramid floors for the first time, you can receive Milestone.png Milestone rewards. Usually these Milestones are every 5 levels. As of Version 2.14 there are a total of 32 Pyramid Milestones.

Floor Bonus Damage

Two Milestones give more damage based on the floor you've defeated.

  • -50 "Your damage is multiplied based on your lowest Pyramid floor."
  • -105 "Your slap damage is multiplied based on your lowest Pyramid Floor."

This is similar to the Tower bonus. However the highest achievable pyramid floor bonus is less significant compared to the highest possible bonus from climbing floors in the Tower.


More Pyramid Floors

Allows more floors to be unlocked past level -100. A hard maximum of -1000 floors is shown.

Less Pyramid Enemies

Decreases the number of enemies required to defeat per floor.


Buy the Borb Pyramid Taxi from the Ancient Leaf.png Ancient Leaves Shop to idle in the cursed pyramid. This upgrade auto-teleports you to the selected pyramid floor at a cost of Borb.png 25,000 Borbs. It is recommended to also buy the Borb Taxi LTD Gem.png Gem upgrade so the Borb Pyramid Taxi does not cost you anything.

The end goal of the pyramid is getting to level 100 to unlock the next area. Unlike the Tower, the Pyramid has exponential growth; each floor is twice as hard as the previous. You need 1e41 slap damage to beat the boss on pyramid level 100, but that isn’t meaningful unless you have crafted a full e10 damage/damage%/slap ancient set. So instead, here are some recommendations.

Before starting, you should shard your damage set as follows:

Properties Leaf 1 Leaf 2 Leaf 3 Leaf 4 Leaf 5 Leaf 6 Leaf 7 Leaf 8
Blower Enemy Damage 10 10 7 0 0 0 0 0
Blower Enemy Damage% 0 0 3 10 10 4 0 0
Slap Multiplier 0 0 0 0 0 6 10 10

Numbers being the amount of shards.

Gear Level

Crafting.png Crafting

  • Craft a better damage set. If your damage set isn't a fully ascended Ancient Leaf.png Ancient set, that's what you wanna aim for. It's worth buying the Craft RNG Manipulator upgrade from the Gem Shop now that gems are much easier to obtain. This way, when you ascend leaves you'll also be increasing the RNG Quality%, which means better leaf property values and you save Beer.png Beer. Crafted leaves should be 80%+ craft quality. If they aren't, craft better ones. Do NOT reroll Craft Quality, as it isn't worth it.
  • By now you should be well acquainted with Shard.pngShards. The optimal distribution of Shard.pngShards is shown above (in the Crafting section).

Tower Floor.png Tower

  • Get more Equipment. Equipment provides a massive jump in damage, especially Cursed Cheese if you have enough Curses.
  • Climbing to higher Tower floors provides more damage, due of the Pyramid Milestones. If you hit the floor cap, consider crafting leaves with a More Tower Floors+ property.

Cursed Cheese 48x48.png Curses