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Leaves spawn in waves each cycle rather than continuously. Drops and Enemies also spawn in cycles.

General Boosts

The Basic Leaf.png Leaves Shop has an upgrade named Fertilizer that increases the speed of cycles by 50% total. This is quite different from <Leaf Type> Fertilizer which affects the chance of spawning leaves and seeds, described below.

Leaf Spawns

Leaves spawn in certain Area Flag.png Areas at rates affected by upgrades.

Spawn Rate

Increases number of leaves per cycle by four. Affects all types of leaves. Also adds a tree graphic to the edge of the screen.

  • Leaf Shop upgrade — Tree: Basic Leaf.pngGold Leaf.pngPlatinum Leaf.pngBismuth Leaf.pngCosmic Leaf.pngVoid Leaf.png

Chance Of Spawning

<Leaf Type> Fertilizer increases the chance for that type of leaf to spawn. It also increases the spawn chance for Seeds of that type.

  • Leaf Shop upgrade — <Leaf Type> Fertilizer: Basic Leaf.pngGold Leaf.pngPlatinum Leaf.pngBismuth Leaf.pngCosmic Leaf.pngVoid Leaf.pngExotic Leaf.pngMythical Leaf.pngLava Leaf.pngIce Leaf.pngSilicon Leaf.pngMoonstone Leaf.pngSand Leaf.png

The Celestial Leaf.png Celestial Shop has separate upgrades for leaves and seeds.

  • Celestial Marketing — Receive +1 Leaf per level.
  • Celestial Seed Marketing — Increases Celestial Seed spawn rate.

Enemy Spawns

There is a cap on how fast enemies can spawn. A Blazing Skull produces more enemies instantly.

  • More Enemies, Please from Celestial Leaf.png Celestial Shop — Increases enemy spawn rate.