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Chests can be found in the Pyramid.png The Inner Cursed Pyramid after a floor is cleared, with a base chance of 5%. They can also appear in the Borb Claw Machine in The Cheese Pub, with a 0.3% chance to spawn Common~Rare Chest.

Drop Chance

See Upgrade Effects below for details.

Chests have a 5% chance to drop from a cleared floor in Pyramid.png The Inner Cursed Pyramid. This can be upgraded with Mulched Chests in the Mulch.png Mulch Shop, and increased with Camelo.png Camelo, making a maximum drop chance of 22%.

All pyramid floors have the same chance to drop a chest. As pyramid floors drop, higher chest tiers become available, with both common and uncommon being available at level -1, and each subsequent drop of 5 floors unlocking a new chest tier, until floor -15, when legendary chests become available. The rarity of the rarest tier of chest available can be upgraded through the Mulched Chest upgrade in the Mulch Shop.

Chests can also appear in the Borb Claw Machine in The Cheese Pub, with a 0.3% chance to spawn Common~Rare Chest.


The chest menu can be accessed at the top left of the screen. This menu is used to open chests, and is unlocked when the player obtains their first chest, which will be visible in the menu, other chests will appear as silhouettes with ? in their descriptions until they are obtained by the player.

An image of all chests unlocked in the chest menu

Bulk Chest Opening

Opening chests in bulk (e.g. by holding shift) may be counter-intuitive to how you'd expect — as the number of resources is fixed, it's only the amount multiplier that changes.

For example, opening Chest Rare.png 1x Rare Chest awards 1m of one random Emerald Leaf.png Gem Leaf type. But opening Chest Rare.png 10x Rare Chests still only rewards you with one random type of Emerald Leaf.png Gem Leaf (rather than a random assortment from 10 possible gem leaves), only its amount is multiplied by 10 (i.e. 10m).

If you're using chests for a chance to acquire Gem.png Gems and Beer.png Beer, it may be better to open chests individually. However, that won't necessarily make a difference with Chest Funneling because bulk quantities should average out in the long run.

This does not apply to the "Open all chests" button, which will give resources as if each chest was opened individually.


Chests reward with a number of random resources in quantities based on Offline Rewards, including:

Rewards Table

Icon Name Floor Rarity [1] Basic Leaf.png [2] Emerald Leaf.png Beer.png Borb.png Cheese.png Gem.pngMulch.png Silver Token.png Gold Token.png [3] Orb Artifact.png Leaf Shield.png Damage Scroll.png Community Leaf Beta Testers.png
Chest Common.png Common -1 100% 2 * 5 1 - 1
Chest Uncommon.png Uncommon -1 33.333% 4 * 10 2 2 3 1 1
Chest Rare.png Rare -5 10% 6 * 60 1 * 1m 3 2 3 5 2 1
Chest Epic.png Epic -10 1% 8 * 120 2 * 100m 4 2 5 10 3 1
Chest Legendary.png Legendary -15 0.1% 10 * 240 3 * 10b 4 2 10 20 5 2
  1. Rarity: When a chest spawns, this is the chance for the given rarity of chest to appear vs. other types. It's not related to the initial spawn chance (ie. Mulched Chests), but is affected by Mulched Luck. See Upgrade Effects (below) for full details.
  2. Leaves: The first value is the number of leaf types rolled (eg. Basic, Gold). The second value is offline minutes. The same leaf type can be rolled more than once.
  3. Tokens: The exact rewards multiplier is currently unknown, but you'll get an increasing number of both gold + silver tokens for each chest rarity.

Related Upgrades

Shop Max Name Description Notes
Mulch.png Mulch 20 Mulched Chests Chest spawn chance +0.5% per level. Max increase: +10%
Mulch.png Mulch 50 Mulched Luck Increase the chance to get better chests per level.
Camelo.png Camelo - - Chest spawn chance +2%
(plus Ancient Leaf.png Ancient Leaf rewards +5%)
+4% at level 10

Upgrade Effects

Mulched Chests

To determine if a chest should spawn, the spawn chance is checked first. The base spawn chance is 5%, but it can be increased to a maximum of 22.4% with Mulched Chests at level 20 (+10%) and Camelo.png Camelo with all bonuses (+7.4%).

Mulched Luck

If a chest will spawn, the formula below is used to determine the rarity of the spawned chest.

If Max Rarity is less than or equal to (≤) a chest's rarity, then that chest can spawn, with the rarest chest taking priority.

Mulched Luck: Probabilities

The table below shows the chest probabilities with various Mulched Luck values. It shows how even a minor investment into Mulched Luck can have a huge effect. Calculations were made with this spreadsheet by Darkly77 (which includes a calculator tab for working out the average, by setting RNG would be 50, which is the middle/average RNG number).

Chest Probabilities with various Mulched Luck levels


Chest Common.png


Chest Uncommon.png


Chest Rare.png


Chest Epic.png


Chest Legendary.png




0 100% 33% 10% 1% - Chest Common.png Common Legendary will never drop
1 100% 94% 28% 2% - Chest Uncommon.png Uncommon Uncommon is almost guaranteed [ml 1]
5 - - 100% 14% 1% Chest Rare.png Rare Rare is guaranteed [ml 2]
10 - - 100% 36% 3% Chest Rare.png Rare Epic: Over 1/3
15 - - 100% 64% 6% Chest Epic.png Epic Epic: Almost 2/3
20 - - 100% 96% 9% Chest Epic.png Epic Epic: Almost guaranteed [ml 3]

Legendary: Almost 1/10

25 - - - 100% 13% Chest Epic.png Epic Legendary: Over 1/8
30 - - - 100% 17% Chest Epic.png Epic Legendary: Over 1/6
35 - - - 100% 21% Chest Epic.png Epic Legendary: 1/5
40 - - - 100% 26% Chest Epic.png Epic Legendary: 1/4
45 - - - 100% 31% Chest Epic.png Epic Legendary: Almost 1/3
50 - - - 100% 36% Chest Epic.png Epic Legendary: Over 1/3
  1. Uncommon is guaranteed at level 2.
  2. Rare is guaranteed at level 4.
  3. Epic is guaranteed at level 21.

The next table below shows how the average chests were calculated, using an RNG value of 50 (which represents the average, because it's the middle value of the possible 0-100 RNG values). The calculation uses the Mulched Luck formula shown above.

Calculations: Average Chests
Mulched Luck RNG Calculation Result (%) Chest
0 50 50 / 1^1.5 50 Common (= 100%)
5 50 50 / 6^1.5 3.402 Rare (= 10%)
10 50 50 / 11^1.5 1.370 Rare (= 10%)
20 50 50 / 21^1.5 0.520 Epic (= 1%)
25 50 50 / 25^1.5 0.4 Epic (= 1%)
50 50 50 / 51^1.5 0.137 Epic (= 1%)

Chest Funneling

Leaves given from opening chests are random but are limited to whatever is unlocked. By keeping leaves from Basic Leaf.png Basic to Sand Leaf.png Sand locked, gain of higher level leaves can be increased. This is one way to get a high enough Crafting.png Crafting level for Hematite.

Here are the basic steps:

  1. Turn off Crunchy Seeds Lite in the MLC coin.png MLC shop, and turn off other auto buyers.
  2. Mega crunch to revert leaves to their default locked status.
  3. Don't unlock Gold Leaf.png Gold Leaves, and don't buy Basic Leaf.png Basic Leaf fertilizer.
  4. Go to the Spark Range and remake your Hematite pile, because the Offline Rewards were reset from the MLC.
  5. Open chests. May need to open a few hundred.

These things are also important:
