Trader's Crunch Challenge Guide

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Completion Requirement: Collect 1m BLC

Restrictions: Converters are disabled

  • Trading is unlocked at the start
  • Trade duration is 10 seconds
  • Refresh timer is 60 seconds

By: Laura

Best gem upgrades:

  • BLC Coins x3

This is the most unique challenge and has 2 good ways to solve it, so I’ll go over them separately.

General Tips:

  • Because of trades only taking 10 seconds, take all trades you can to get yourself cheese for refreshing trades.
  • Refresh trades often when you’re looking for flasks, you need enough for the next flask unlock and optimally 10/10 All Leaves+, if a trade doesn’t give you enough and you have lots of cheese left, keep refreshing.
  • Get enough Strange Science to unlock Exotic Leaves, The Abyss (on first crunch) and some amount of BLC++

6(-ish) Crunch Route (active):

-You crunch often and don’t need to look for any trades to get BLC Science upgrades (which is possible).

-Get Exotic BLC upgrades until it starts heavily slowing down (at least 10 of each)

2(-ish) Crunch Route (idle):

Your first crunch will unlock as many Master of Leaves and What the Combo as possible as well as Nuclear Apocaleaves 5/5 to make piling easier.

On Second Crunch you can grind out Exotic Seeds offline (You need the Offline Seeds gem upgrade for this, 750% Offline is good too):

  1. Pile Exotics with decent combo and afk for the 1st seed and unlock Celestial
  2. Once you’ve gained enough offline Exotic Leaves purchase only the Exotic Seed.
  3. Check in once in a while to purchase more seed levels, this will help a lot.
  4. Make sure to accept Celestial trades whenever possible.
  5. You should be able to crunch for the remaining amount of BLC needed.